PledgeToFledge 2013


Celebrate this kickoff weekend for P2F by taking the PledgeToFledge Oath. Take a new birder or someone who loves nature and enjoys being outside.

“I pledge to actively share my enthusiasm for birds with non-birders by taking them into the field to show them birds and foster their own appreciation for birds whenever possible. I will strive to be friendly, patient, helpful, and welcoming when approached by ‘non-birders’ or asked about birds by acquaintances.  I believe that individual birders, as part of an international grassroots movement, can effect positive and profound change for our shared birds and their future.”

Here are a few ideas.

• Go Birding  with friends, family and other non-­‐birders at a local park or nature reserve.

• Help a neighbor or friend set up a feeder station in his or her yard.

• Host a “feeder party”to let others witness your backyard buffet in action

• Volunteer to read a children’s book at your local library (Example: Martha McKeen Welch, A Close Look in the Woods; Sunflowers; Saucy; or Lynne Cherry’s Flute’ Journey, Jane Yolen’s Bird Watch or Owl Moon).

Now grab a friend and go outside and have fun learning something new!

To learn more click here: Pledge To Fledge or Contact Mardi Dickinson, P2F Official Connecticut Regional Coordinator. 

About Kymry

Welcome to the KymryGroup™. We will be showcasing photography by several different photographers with a look in time from 1922 to the present. Share Business, Marketing, Podcasting, Technology of Photography. Including adventures in the birding world and many other interesting insights and observations along the way.
This entry was posted in Adventurers, Backyard Birding, Binoculars, Birders, Birding, Birding News, birds migrating in autumn, Conservation, CT Birding News, Explorers, Global Birding, Mardi Dickinson, Non-Profit, PledgeToFledge 2013, Wildlife Sanctuary and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink.

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